1052 (106/02-106/06) 課程內容摘要

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Youtube Videos

  1. 課程簡介 (b&w, videos:1,2), 課程大綱, 參考書籍, 線上資料

  2. 以 C++ 製作物件導向程式的核心概念: 物件, 抽象化界面, 封裝, 繼承, 多型

  3. Homeworks:
106/03/02 (四)
補課 INS201/INS203
  1. 學習目標和 C 程式設計, 資料結構, 演算法有一些差異: 希望能夠增進軟體系統的重用, 不要像免洗餐具一樣即用即丟, 希望能夠不斷地透過物件的組合來產生新的軟體: 解線性方程式範例 (b&w), coder vs. programmer

  2. Abstract Data Type (b&w, video): [Data Type + Operation] common part which is independent of all implementations

  3. C++ Console I/O (b&w, videos:1,2,3): an object oriented I/O library

  4. Homeworks:
  1. Making and Using Objects (b&w, videos:1,2)

  2. Objects and Classes (b&w, videos:1,2,3)

  3. Homeworks:
  1. Objects and Classes (b&w) (cont'd)

  2. scanf 的進階用法 (b&w, video)

  3. A "Better" C Program (b&w), codes

  4. Homeworks:
  1. C++ as a better C (b&w, videos:1,2,3) :
    • single line comment
    • struct, enum, union tags are type names
    • new iostream library (object oriented usage, type sensitive usage)
    • cooperating with stdio (ios::sync_with_stdio())
    • variable declaration on the fly
    • definition vs. declaration (variable and function)
    • function signature and name mangling
    • parameter defaults
    • #define vs. const variables
    • new and delete
    • stricter typing system
    • typedef
    • reference (b&w)
    • global scope resolution operator
    • bool
    • explicit type conversion

  2. Reference (b&w)

  3. Complex C/C++ Type Definitions (b&w)

  4. Dynamic allocation of 2-dimensional array in C (b&w)

  5. Homeworks:
  1. Procedural Programming Example 6Balls

  2. Object Oriented Programming Example 3Bags Example (b&w, video), codes

  3. Constructors and Destructors (b&w, videos:1,2)

  4. More Classes (b&w, videos:1,2) (Object composition and ctor, this pointer, return pointers)

  5. Homeworks:

spring break

星期 (106/04/13 星期四 21:00) 繳交 作業二

  1. Common C/C++ Memory Errors (b&w), html version

  2. The Big Three: Dtor, Copy Ctor, and Assignment Operator (b&w, videos:1,2,3)

  3. Homeworks:

    期中考 (09:30-12:00), ClosedBook
    請提早 10 分鐘到 INS105 / INS B01 找你的座位

  1. 期中考講解 ( video), 成績分佈

  2. Friend Classes and Friend Functions (b&w, video)

  3. Homeworks:
第十一週 (106/05/02)
  1. Basic Object Design (b&w, video)

  2. More Object Design (b&w, video)

  3. Homeworks:
第十二週 (106/05/09)
  1. More Object Design (b&w) (cont'd)

  2. Operator Overloading (b&w, videos:1,2)

  3. Homeworks:
    • read Chapter 12 operator overloading
    • 兩星期後 (106/05/25 星期四 21:00) 繳交 作業四
第十三週 (106/05/16)
  1. Operator Overloading (b&w) (cont'd)

  2. Inheritance (b&w, videos:1,2,3)

  3. Homeworks:
第十四週 (106/05/23)
  1. Inheritance (b&w) (cont'd)

  2. Homeworks:

第十五週 (106/05/30)
106/06/01 (四)
補課 INS201/INS203

  1. Advanced Inheritance (b&w, video)

  2. Polymorphism (b&w, videos:1,2,3)

  3. Homeworks:
    • review Chapter 14 Inheritance and Composition
    • review Chapter 15 Polymorphism and Virtual Functions
    • read Vol. 2, Chapter 6 Multiple inheritance
第十六週 (106/06/06)
  1. Hiding & Overriding Examples (b&w, video)

  2. Generic Programming (b&w, videos:1,2)

  3. Homeworks:
第十七週 (106/06/13)
  1. Exception (b&w, video)

  2. Object Oriented Design Smells and SOLID Principles (b&w, video)
    這些都是教你如何運用繼承來應付需求的改變, 繼承的語法簡單, 但是錯誤的使用繼承會造成極大的負面效果, 那就不要用吧!! 可是不用它的話, OOP 不只是跛腳, 根本就斷頭了....

  3. C++ 11 (b&w)

  4. Homeworks:
第十八週 (106/06/20)

    期末考 (9:30-12:00), ClosedBook
    請提早 10 分鐘到 INS105 / INS B01 找你的座位

    查詢自己的期末考考卷與成績 (請至作業欄選取期末考)

    參考答案, 成績分佈



C++ sucks because you will get C back.

唉呀呀! 是 postfix 的 operator++(int), 難怪很多同學辛苦地學了一個學期只得到 C, 包括成績還有寫出來的程式都是, 名字一開始就取錯了嘛, 改名叫做 ++C 或是 B 的話, 至少會學到一點和 C 不一樣的東西, 叫做 ++++C 的話 (那不就是 A 了), 說不定大家都輕鬆地學會了 XD (咦, prefix 的 operator++() 有 lvalue? 是耶)

C++ 物件導向程式設計課程 首頁

製作日期: 02/16/2016 by 丁培毅 (Pei-yih Ting)
E-mail: pyting@mail.ntou.edu.tw TEL: 02 24622192x6615
海洋大學 電機資訊學院 資訊工程學系 Lagoon