Wacka Wacka Wacka 101
DES 500








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Wacka Wacka Wacka 101: DES 500

Add to who's who

* Your name

*Your current email address Please enter your full email address (ex: jdoe@umassd.edu)

Home page title
Write a descriptive but short title. (ie. "Bob's page" or "Chuck's Cyberspace Wagon" or "Eileen's Rec Room"

Technical Information

This section lets your classmates know what hardware/software you are using to participate electronically. This is handy when and if you get into such routines as swapping files, or discussing software/hardware problems. You may leave anything here blank.

*Type of computer --

Email program

Web browser

HTML editor (if applicable)

Course specific questions

How old are you?

What do you read?

Shoe size?

Personal Information


*What city and state do you live in?


Home page

If you have another homepage elsewhere on the Web, enter the full address here (e.g. http://www.domain.com/directory/filename.html)

Photo Op
If you have a photo of yourself elsewhere on the Web, enter full address here (e.g. http://www.domain.com/directory/yourpict.gif)

Introduction paragraph(Optional)
Use up to 300 words to begin your homepage. This will appear at the top. Ideas for this area include famous quotations, humorous one-liner philisophies, or a simple greeting.

Ending paragraph(Optional)
Use up to 300 words to end your homepage. Same idea as the intro, but tacked on to the bottom of the page.

How about a little color?

Background color

Background colors are a useful feature of Web pages, but not if they're misused. The goal is to convey a tone or mood without sacrificing readability.

Second chance Check this box if this is not the first time you have submitted this form for this class. To avoid duplicate entries on the Who's who page, enter your name and all boxes marked with "*" exactly as you did on the first try. You may submit this form as many times as you like as long as you remember to check the box above.

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