
  1. UMD, Math/CMSC 456: Cryptology, Dr. Lawrence C. Washington

  2. OSU, ECE575, by Dr. Cetin Kaya Koc

  3. UI, Note on Cryptography, Dr. Charles Blair , online version

  4. UCSD and UCD, CSE207, Introduction to Modern Cryptography, Bellare and Rogway

  5. Harvard, CS120, Introduction to Cryptography, Salil Vadhan

  6. MIT, 6.857 Network and Computer Security, Ronald Rivest

  7. ETH, Network Security

  8. 其它連結:

    1. Some topic links

    2. University Courses

    3. Cryptology Pointers, local snapshot

    4. Simon Singh

    5. BOOK YOUR DATA (Gary Taylor), local snapshot

  9. Crypto++ Library 5.0

資訊安全導論課程 首頁

製作日期: 09/16/2002 by 丁培毅 (Pei-yih Ting)
E-mail: pyting@cs.ntou.edu.tw TEL: 02 24622192x6615
海洋大學 理工學院 資訊科學系 Lagoon