- Programming Microsft Visual C++, 5th Ed., D.J.Kruglinski, G. Shepherd, S. Wingo,
MSVC++ µ{¦¡³]p«ü«n, ²Ä¤ª©, ªL¾Ç»õµ¥Ä¶, ªQ±^, 1999/
- Visual C++ 6 ¶W¯Å¤â¥U, Kate Gregory µÛ, ·¨¥È¹üµ¥Ä¶, ùÖ®p 1999/5
- Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 µ{¦¡¶}µo¤â¥U, ªQ±^, ³¯«Â§Óµ¥Ä¶, Beck Zaratian.
- ²`¤J Visual C++ 4.0, D. J. Kruglinski µÛ, 1996, «J«T³ÇĶ, ùÖ®p
- ²`¤J²L¥X MFC, ²Ä¤Gª©, Using VC5.0 and MFC4.2 «J«T³ÇµÛ, 1997, ªQ±^
- MFC À³¥Î¸t¸g, ÁéªN¨j½sĶ, ©MºÓ, 1997/1
- Visual C++ 5 ¶W¯Å¤â¥U, ¥ß¦Ä¶, ùÖ®p 1998/3
- Visual C++ 5 µøµ¡µ{¦¡³]p¸g¨å, ªL«T³ÇµÛ, ùÖ®p,
- MFC ¶i¶¥µ{¦¡¶}µo«ü«n, ±i²MÀ²Ä¶, ªQ±^, 1997/11
- Programming Windows 95 with MFC, Ray Duncan, 1996
- MFC Internels, George Shepherd, Scot Wingo, Addison Wesley, 1996
- Developer Studio Online Help (MSDN Library)
- Windows 2000 µ{¦¡³]p¹ê°È (Windows 2000 Developer's Guide), ¶ÀºÕºÖ, ³¯¥Ã¬R Ķ,
ºX¼Ð 89/09
- The MFC Answer Book: Solutions for Effective Visual C++ Applications, Eugene Kain,
Addison-Wesley, 1999
- VC++ MFC Extensions by Example, John E. Swanke, R&D Book, Miller Freeman, Inc., 1999
- Programming Windows, Charles Petzold, MicroSoft Press (¤¤Ä¶¥»:
Programming Windows µ{¦¡¶}µo³]p«ü«n, ²Ä¤ª©, §E©s¾ÇĶ, µØ±m³nÅé, 2000/6¡^
- WIN32 À³¥Îµ{¦¡³]p¸t¸g, ¶À©ýØzĶ, 1998/3, ©MºÓ
- WIN32 µ{¦¡³]p¹ê°È [°ò¦½g], ½²©ú§Ó, ªQ±^
- Developer Studio Online Help (MSDN Library)
ActiveX Controls
- ActiveX Control Inside Out, Adam Denning,
ActiveX ±±¨î¤¸¥ó¹ý©³¬ã¨s¡A«J«T³ÇĶ, ªQ±^, 1997/10
- OLE COM / ActiveX µ{¦¡³]p, ©P·çµÛ, ª«¥ó¾É¦VÂø»x, 1997/3
- ²`¤J COM, Dale Rogerson, ¶À©ýØzĶ, ªQ®æ,
- Developer Studio Online Help (MSDN Library): ATL tutorial
Multithread & Socket
- WIN32 ¦hºüµ{¦¡³]p, «J«T³ÇĶ, ùÖ®p
- ²`¤J Internet with WinSock ³]p, ¤ý»·ËGĶ
WIN32 System, VxD, and Device Driver
- ²`¤J Windows µ{¦¡³]p, Advanced Windows, ±i¥Ã¼yĶ, 1997/10
- Windows 95 ¨t²Îµ{¦¡³]p¤j¶ø¯¦, «J«T³ÇĶ, 1995
- Writing Windows VxD and Device Driver, Karen Hazzah,
R&D Publications, 1997
- System Programming for Windows 95, Walter Oney, MicroSoft Press.
- Win 32 System Services : The Heart of Windows 95 and Windows NT,
2nd Ed., Marshall Brain, Dec. 1995, Prentice Hall.
- Windows 95 ¨t²Îµ{¦¡³]p: µêÀÀ¾÷¾¹»P VxD µ{¦¡³]p, Walter Oney,
1996, «J«T³ÇĶ, 1999, 1 ªQ±^
- C++ FAQ, 2nd Ed., M. Cline, G. Lomow, and M. Girou, Addison Wesley.
- ¦h«¬»PµêÀÀ, «J«T³ÇµÛ, ªQ±^
- ²`«×±´¯Á C++ ª«¥ó¼Ò«¬, Lippmann, «J«T³ÇĶ, ùÖ®p
Design Patterns
- Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software,
by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm,Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides.
Addison Wesley. October 1994.