971 NTOU CS Windows Programming

Assignment Requirements

  1. Be sure upload your homework on time.

  2. Compress your homework in ZIP format.

  3. Your compressed file MUST be named as follow as the format:

  1. All your assignment MUST be uploaded to http://sirius.cs.ntou.edu.tw/winprog/

  2. File size limit is 500KB for each upload file.

  3. Score will NOT be given if your project cannot be compiled and executed properly.

  4. So please be sure your compressed file contains all the resources in need by vs2005.
    (e.g: .sln, .vcproj, .rc, .cpp, etc.)

  5. EXE file is not required and you should delete your debug folder and .ncb file to reduce your file size.

視窗系統程式設計課程 首頁

製作日期: 07/13/2001 by 丁培毅 (Pei-yih Ting)
E-mail: pyting@cs.ntou.edu.tw TEL: 02 24622192x6615
海洋大學 電機資訊學院 資訊工程系