c:\fractionMain Please enter an input file name ? ass1_data1.dat 0: 25 / 1 1: 20 / 1 2: 15 / 1 3: 10 / 1 4: 5 / 1 5: 0 / 2 6: - 5 / 1 7: - 10 / 1 8: - 15 / 1 9: - 20 / 1 10: - 25 / 1 The sum is 0 / 1 The average is 0 / 11 The medium is 0 / 2 Please enter an output file name ? ass1_data1_sorted.dat c:\fractionMain Please enter an input file name ? ass1_data2.dat 0: 101 / 201 1: 1 / 2 2: 99 / 199 3: 49 / 99 4: 0 / 815 5: - 2 / 11 6: Invalid Fraction!! The sum is 4786481 / 2639934 The average is 4786481 / 15839604 The medium is 99 / 199 Please enter an output file name ? ass1_data2_sorted.dat c:\fractionMain Please enter an input file name ? ass1_data3.dat 0: 8 / 3 1: 8 / 5 2: 8 / 7 3: 152 / 263 4: 4 / 7 5: 3 / 7 6: 2 / 7 7: 1 / 7 8: - 1 / 6 9: - 1 / 3 10: Invalid Fraction!! 11: Invalid Fraction!! The sum is 381973 / 55230 The average is 381973 / 552300 The medium is 4 / 7 Please enter an output file name ? ass1_data3_sorted.dat