ANSI ESCAPE SEQUENCES =============================================================================== Wherever you see '#', that should be replaced by the appropriate number. ESC code sequence Function ------------------- --------------------------- Cursor Controls: ESC[#;#H or ESC[#;#f Moves cusor to line #, column # ESC[#A Moves cursor up # lines ESC[#B Moves cursor down # lines ESC[#C Moves cursor forward # spaces ESC[#D Moves cursor back # spaces ESC[#;#R Reports current cursor line & column ESC[s Saves cursor position for recall later ESC[u Return to saved cursor position Erase Functions: ESC[2J Clear screen and home cursor ESC[K Clear to end of line Set Graphics Rendition: ESC[#;#;....;#m Set display attributes where # is 0 for normal display 1 for bold on 4 underline (mono only) 5 blink on 7 reverse video on 8 nondisplayed (invisible) 30 black foreground 31 red foreground 32 green foreground 33 yellow foreground 34 blue foreground 35 magenta foreground 36 cyan foreground 37 white foreground 40 black background 41 red background 42 green background 43 yellow background 44 blue background 45 magenta background 46 cyan background 47 white background ESC[=#;7h or Put screen in indicated mode where # is ESC[=h or 0 for 40 x 25 black & white ESC[=0h or 1 for 40 x 25 color ESC[?7h 2 for 80 x 25 b&w 3 for 80 x 25 color 4 for 320 x 200 color graphics 5 for 320 x 200 b & w graphics 6 for 640 x 200 b & w graphics 7 to wrap at end of line ESC[=#;7l or ESC[=l or Resets mode # set with above command ESC[=0l or ESC[?7l Keyboard Reassignments: ESC[#;#;...p Keyboard reassignment. The first ASCII or ESC["string"p code defines which code is to be or ESC[#;"string";#; changed. The remaining codes define #;"string";#p what it is to be changed to. E.g. Reassign the Q and q keys to the A and a keys (and vice versa). ESC [65;81p A becomes Q ESC [97;113p a becomes q ESC [81;65p Q becomes A ESC [113;97p q becomes a E.g. Reassign the F10 key to a DIR command. ESC [0;68;"dir";13p The 0;68 is the extended ASCII code for the F10 key and 13 is the ASCII code for a carriage return. Other function key codes F1=59,F2=60,F3=61,F4=62,F5=63 F6=64,F7=65,F8=66,F9=67,F10=68 在此提供一些變色的指令玩法 希望能和大家一起研究 一起享受彩色的天地 首先是一些顏色控制碼 ( 在此 前景 是指 文字部份 ) 0 正常 30 前景黑色 40 背景黑色 1 高亮度 31 前景紅色 41 背景紅色 5 閃爍 32 前景綠色 42 背景綠色 7 反相 33 前景黃色 43 背景黃色 34 前景藍色 44 背景藍色 35 前景紫色 45 背景紫色 36 前景青色 46 背景青色 37 前景白色 47 背景白色 接下來是指令部份 首先按下 Ctrl+u ( 即先按著 Ctrl 不放再按 u ) 此時螢幕上將會出現 * 的符號 ( 底下以 ( Ctrl+u ) 表示 ) 緊接著打 [ 之後便可依自己的喜好 依上列的控制碼開始變顏色了 指令的模式如下 ( Ctrl+u )[3*;4*;*m ☆ 最重要的一點 在變完顏色之後 請務必將其還原 還原碼為 ( Ctrl+u )[37;40;0m 底下舉幾個例子 ( Ctrl+u )[35;1m 這是一群紫色高亮度的字唷 ( Ctrl+u )[37;40;0m 這是一群紫色高亮度的字唷 ( Ctrl+u )[36;5m 我是青色的而且會閃爍耶 ( Ctrl+u )[37;40;0m 我是青色的而且會閃爍耶  ( Ctrl+u )[30;47;1m 白底黑字 ( Ctrl+v )[37;40;0m 白底黑字