

  1. 人機介面設計,李青蓉等,國立空中大學印行。
  2. Elements of user interface design, T. Mandel, Wiley,  全華。
  3. Essential guide to user interface design: An introduction to GUI design principles and techniques, W. O. Galitz, Wiley, 全華。
  4. Interactive System Design, W. M. Newman and M. G. Lamming, Addison-Wesley, 全華。
  5. Designing OO Interface, D. Collins, Benjamin/Cummings, 新月。
  6. Developing User Interface, D. Hix and H.R. Hanfson, Wiley.
  7. Human Computer Interaction, D. Finlay and A. Beale, Prentice Hall.
  8. 完全 FrontPage 98 實戰,吳明哲等,松崗。
  9. 影像網頁製作大師 PhotoImpact 4, 許嘉純,松崗。
  10. 不一樣 PhotoImpact 4, 林哲仲,劉澐編著,文魁資訊。
  11. Usability Engineering, Jakob Nielsen, AP Professional, 1994.
  12. Creating Killer Web Sites, 2nd Edition, David Siegel, Hayden Books, 1997.
  13. Secrets Successful Web Sites: Project Management on the WWW, David Siegel, Hayden Books, 1997.
  14. Coloring Web Graphics, 2nd Ed., Lynda Weinman, New Rider Publisher, 1997.
  15. Designing Web Graphics, 2nd Ed., Lynda Weinman, New Rider Publisher, 1997.
  16. Creative HTML Design, Weinman, New Rider Publisher, 1998.
  17. Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction, Ben Schneiderman, Addison-Wesley, 1997.