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3. E. Biham and A. Shamir, "Differential Cryptoanalysis of DES-like Cryptosystems," Crypto 90, [PDF]
4. M. Matsui, "Linear Cryptoanalysis Method for DES cipher," Eurocrypt 93, [PDF]
5. P. Kocher, "Timing Attacks on Implementations of Diffie-Hellman, RSA, DSS, and Other Systems," Crypto 96, [PDF]
6. Landau, "Standing the test of time: The Data Encryption Standard," Notices of the AMS, 47(3), 341-349, 2000 [PDF]
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密碼學與應用課程 首頁

製作日期: 09/16/2002 by 丁培毅 (Pei-yih Ting)
E-mail: pyting@cs.ntou.edu.tw TEL: 02 24622192x6615
海洋大學 理工學院 資訊科學系 Lagoon
