991 密碼學與應用課程內容摘要

  課程摘要 課本閱讀
第一週, 第二週 (9/17, 9/24) 課程簡介, 課程要求, Textbook, Cryptography terminology, Basic communication scenario, Types of attacks, attacks to the cryptography algorithms, Kerckhoffs's Principle, Security Services, Secret Key vs Public Key Cryptosystems, Key Length Issues, Unbreakable Cryptosystems, One-time pad, Modern Cryptography, Slides

chap 1
chap 2

Congruence, GCD, Euclidean Algorithm, Extended Euclidean Algorithm, Multiplicative Inverse, Solving ax=b mod n, Group, Abelian Group, Cyclic Group, Ring, Field, apply modulo whenever you can, Fast exponentiation, CRT, Slides

chap 3,

第四週(10/08) CRT, Matlab samples, square root example,Prime numbers (Basics, Prime Number Theorem, Factors, Fermat Little Theorem, Euler Totient function, Euler Theorem ), Slides   chap 3
第五週, 第六週
(10/15, 10/22)
Primitive Root, Square Root, Slides
RSA Cryptosystem and Factoring, Slides
chap 3,
chap 6
第六週 (10/24)    
第七週 (10/31) Discrete Log based Cryptosystem, Pohlig-Hellman method, slides  
第八週 (11/07) Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Algorithm, ElGamal Cryptosystem, and DDH assumption, slides  

第九週 (11/14) 期中考試 13:20-15:20  
第十週 (11/21) (請注意 12/01 期中退選截止) homework2
第十一週 (11/28)  

chap 4

第十二週 (12/05)  

chap 5

第十三週 (12/12)

第十四週 (12/19) Security Notions in Cryptography, 資訊安全的定義, 電腦安全的威脅, 資訊安全課題, Cryptographic Applications, Focus of this class, Why staying in this class? Aspects of Modern Cryptography, Slides , Classical Ciphers - Shift Cipher, Affine Cipher, Substitution Cipher, Vigenere Cipher, Block Cipher, Hill Cipher, Shannon's Principles, Letter Frequency Analysis, Stream Ciphers Slides  
第十五週 (12/26)

DES History, Feistel System, A simple DES, Design of f(.,.), 3-round differential cryptanalysis, 4-round differential cryptanalysis, Slides, Tutorial of differential and linear attacks by Heys

第十六週 (01/2)

DES design criteria, DES, Linear Cryptanalysis, Is DES a group?, Modes of Operation (ECB, CBC, CFB, OFB, Counter), Slides

chap 7
第十七週 (01/09) AES, chap 7
第十八週 (01/16) Signature schemes, Hash, and Birthday attack, slides chap 8, 9
  學期考試 13:20-15:00 (100 min) chap 5, chap 6, chap 7, chap 8, chap 9

Misc. Network Security Topics

密碼學與應用課程 首頁

製作日期: 09/26/2006 by 丁培毅 (Pei-yih Ting)
E-mail: pyting@cs.ntou.edu.tw TEL: 02 24622192x6615
海洋大學 電資學院 資訊工程系 Lagoon